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Sadly, large files from Archive. The downloads are often slow or just fail during download. The torrents are very reliable and perfectly legal so we went with that method. If not, does it get me a stock Windows 7 ISO? Are you talking about direct from the Windows 7 download page at Microsoft? For the Windows 7 Disk Image Page, Microsoft also looks to see how often a Retail Key is used blocking keys that leak on the web and also look to see the origin IP to block spam attacks.

Do not expect this Image Page to be available forever. End of Life and Support for Win7 is set for January Of course Microsoft is going to check those keys entered into the Disc image page, they are retail keys and are supposed to be unique.

So if one key is being used to download several times, they know something is wrong. Thanks for sharing this informative post regarding links for windows 7 sp1 ISO from Microsoft, This post will be useful for them those are expert and they want extra informative.

Keep giving updates. Iv a dell inspirion on wind 7 but got 2nd hand so wanted re-install wind 7 but no disk and am a beginer using the internet ,How do i no whitch i want use? How do i download coz at the min the windows help keeps popping up wen i click open?

Or is there a way of downloading to my iphone then getting it on iv a 32b dell. What is coem? Which one you will recommend to download from your given website- adguard. Thank You. SHA1 generated for windows 8. The media creation tool version installs from a. There are several checksums because there are several ISO releases, your best bet is to Google it and go through the list of available checksums.

If you want Win 7 Pro English, then that is technically correct. Just to point out none of the ISOs coming from that program come from Microsoft servers, so download the files at your own risk. Or if its already applied then how to I get to choose between Home and Pro when getting the windows 10 iso?

I understand how it works, after you click on your select edition…. Oh, something went wrong. Please retry the request later. If this does not work, please contact the Site administration: adguard. Is that method no longer a fix? Or am I missing it somehow? And they wonder why they are targetted all the time. The sooner we have a better operating system from a different company the better!

There already is a better OS than Windows, and it is Totally Free for everyone, and includes loads of free open source software. I recommend Ubuntu for 1st timers, loads of software, support options and Forums for troubleshooting. I needed an ISO for Windows 7 for my laptop. I had a legit key but could not download the ISO from the Microsoft site. This worked a treat.

I bought a Dell laptop having a window 8 64 bit. I was very upset when I tried to install Illustrator and Photoshop. I want to install a clean copy of window 7 ultimate 64 bits and your instructions helped me a lot. I am your admirer since May God bless you and your loved ones. I will contact you once I install the same. Downloaded w7 ISO easily, just wondering if you do a reinstall with one of these, it will not be considered genuine and will not be activated unless you have a product key?

Like with every Windows 7 install disc, you need a genuine product key to activate it. That can be a key from a sticker or if your computer was made by the likes of Dell or HP, you can backup the OEM key before reinstalling. Thanks for the reply. Amazing site btw, a lot of great information. One more question. If that is the case your computer will not activate after reinstall. Fantastic post. Great info, loved the java trick. Thank you — now i can reinstall my oem build from legit source.

Downloading and installing KB and the Rollup update KB will save a lot of time during updating though. Great tutorial! Everything I need know, in terms I can understand, and steps I can actually perform. I was able to create an all consumer editions bootable DVD. Solutions or a link to everything I needed to do from start to finish. Far more than I hoped to find in a single source.

This really is a superb article. Many thanks. All he had was the Licence Key and no restore disk or anything. The procedure you describe worked a treat, and thanks for having the forethought to provide the SHA1 checksums for the various ISO files downloaded. Microsoft seem to have taken that page down for some reason.

It seems to me that it would be a good idea to use a proxy to hide your IP address and to use a computer which does not have any MS products installed. I would be very surprised if MS does not include spyware whenever one of their products is installed so that they can identify the computer.

Some familiar but old links appeared in the taskbar. I kept deleting them and they kept coming back. Although I Chrome is my default browser and Edge is installed, these links were coming from Internet Explorer! I removed the links from the browser and all is well.

This article does bit solve my problem. I have a monitor which supports PIP so i usually overlay the second screen on the bottom right corner. Why do people prefer it in the center? I have Windows 11 and I prefer it on the left where it has always been! This is mostly for people who have newer wide monitors such as the Samsung Ultra Wide It can be a long haul running your cursor all the way to the lower left of a monitor like that.

Some folks prefer to use the center portion of a screen like that for their main activity and drag miscellaneous stuff off to either side. Yes, not so sure if Dave2D has posted a video about method 2 but he did post a video about method 1.

Your Comment. Your Name. Even more difficult is finding a laptop […]. This item should be enabled only when you are already signed in or when any USC purchases are installed. Activating the item should open a confirmation alert, which lists installed purchases only if there are any.

The menu should contain two items, the backport version and the version that would normally be installed, in ascending order. The default should be the release version, if it is one of the items, otherwise the highest version. Region restrictions For any item which you may not install in your region: The Install command should not be available.

A common reason for region restrictions is banning of particular logos or imagery. Features you can implement These are mini-specifications for new features and other changes that anyone is welcome to implement. Some are more important than others; some are more difficult than others. If you would like to implement any of them, please do so in a branch and propose it for merging. Once a feature is implemented, the mini-specification here will similarly be merged into the main specification.

Atop the screen for each individual software source should be a header containing the icon and name for the source.

Installing from external media bug If you insert a volume that consists of software packages, but is not installation media, Ubuntu Software Center should launch to or navigate to the screen for that volume as an individual source. If a volume is added as a software channel, Ubuntu should cache all its package details so that you can request installation without having the media inserted.

If the media is detectably inserted, the alert should go away automatically. This avoids repetition on the home screen, giving visibility to more items. Its text should be whichever is appropriate of these: Ubuntu has a newer version of this software. Ubuntu has a trusted version of this software. Launching from multiple standalone. Dragging a software item bug A software item should be draggable, wherever in USC it appears — on the home screen, in any other tile view, in a list view, or for its icon only in the software item screen itself.

Otherwise: If the item is already installed, and already in the Launcher, the Launcher item should move to the new location. Otherwise: If the item is already installed, and not already in the Launcher, it should be added to the Launcher at that location.

Otherwise: The icon should appear as a greyed-out item in the Launcher until installation completes or fails. Dragging an item anywhere else, except the Launcher, should drop its icon as a graphic or its title as text. Would you like to review it? The link should begin the review process for that application.

Test case: Install an application for which Backports has a newer version. Enhancement: Launcher item emblem In the Unity launcher, the icon for Ubuntu Software Center should have a badge containing the number of updates, regardless of whether USC is running. Whenever Ubuntu updates are not available, the checkbox should be both disabled because changing it has no effect and unchecked because no Ubuntu updates will be installed when you update anything else.

Test case: replaces previous test case Install Ubuntu without installing updates. Activating this command should remove the update from the list indefinitely.

Smarter ellipsis of software list view items In a software list view , if the secondary text is wider than the space available, it should be ellipsized in the middle, not the trailing end because unique parts of package names are often at the trailing end. If the item has a custom icon, it should also be copied as both a bitmap and as a vector image if available. Downloading while waiting to install bug When an item to be installed is waiting for other tasks, but the package is not yet downloaded, it should start downloading immediately.

Or maybe when fewer than 3-ish items are already downloading? If you drag the row up or down, the rows for other unstarted tasks should scoot out of the way to show where the dragged row would end up if dropped. As a keyboard equivalent, Ctrl Up and Ctrl Down should, when possible, make the selected task swap places with the previous or next task respectively. Consistent progress bar for installations and removals Regardless of whether you are installing a free item, installing a for-purchase item, or removing an item, the progress bar in the installation state bar should appear at exactly the same moment: immediately after USC knows that you are authenticated for the action.

Choosing it should copy a Web link for the selected package. Clicking the button should: over two seconds, draw a ring around the interface element e. At any time, focusing another window or pressing any key should cancel the process and make any ring disappear. This item should be enabled whenever you have selected or navigated to an installed software item. Activating the command should reinstall the item equivalent to apt-get reinstall.

Activating the command should remove the package, its settings equivalent to apt-get purge , and any cached package data. This item should always be enabled. This screen should be a software list view of all packages that have been removed from your computer but that have either left behind configuration files, or that have the package still cached bug It should be different from a normal software list view in that: At the trailing end of each row should be the size of the settings and cached package files, e.

The secondary text for each item should be the date on which the package was uninstalled. It should be enabled whenever you are on a software item screen or a software item is selected.

Multiple package info windows may be open simultaneously. Inside each branch, individual packages should be shown as hyperlinks: choosing one should open a separate package info window for that package. If any branch contains no items, it should be expanded by default, so that you can see it is empty without having to expand it first.

History enhancements History rows should have the same layout and behavior as rows in a categorized software list view , except that: They should use a text-sized icon instead of a double-sized one because the icon is less important here, and the history is likely to be long. For purchases, the short name should be followed by the price paid at that time, in the disabled text color. At the trailing end of the first line should be the time at which the action occurred, again in the disabled text color.

Animation of the main pane Whenever you navigate from within a category screen to a software item screen, over 0. At the same time, the rest of the contents of the category screen should linearly crossfade into the rest of the contents of the software item screen. Both of these effects should also happen when navigating the reverse direction, from the package screen back to the category screen.

Do Windows applications have a title and a summary, or just a title? For implementation details, see NattyWineSoftwareCenter. Try again later. Future work: Abstract out this window so that it can be used by other applications that deal with certificates. Signing out should work even if you are offline. Otherwise, it should be a page listing your USC payments, refunds, and other account activity. Ladina works as a developer at a molecular biology lab where she is not a sysadmin.

She is having a bit of trouble with Biopython, and wants an easy way of seeing which version of python-biopython is installed and where its files are. Installing paid add-ons for free software for example, filters for Inkscape Dragging installed applications from USC to a launcher Launching via inserting an Ubuntu CD USC needs to be able to tell whether a CD containing packages is: for a previous version of Ubuntu for the same version of Ubuntu for a future version of Ubuntu for a different OS altogether.

Launching via file of unknown type USC needs to be able to display applications that handle a particular filetype, i. Maybe distinguish between file viewers and editors? Nautilus then needs to be able to launch USC to this search.

Maybe treat -dev packages specially? Others make clear which packages are currently subject to CVE vulnerabilities ensure double-clicking on a downloade. Perhaps also show an apt: -link as a suggestion for the better way of installing said package? You want to suggest a package to someone? You just have to copy paste the apt url application link into your IM or blog post. This is very useful when the user can just say check your install queue instead of remembering the exact packages that he needed.

Especially when he is just clicking a link on the internet. Could also be useful for parents. Multi-level undo. Updates are aggregated by source package, with packages hidden inside an expander.

Recommendations and suggestions are shown as children of an item in the list recommendations selected by default, suggestions not. Incorporate PackageMaintainednessPresentation. Provide an easy mechanism for applications such as Inkscape to select and install plug-ins. Need to define the exact behavior when waiting for other package managers to quit. Provide an optional "Donate" button for projects that need donations to keep going. The button could open up the donate page on their website.

Or if non-free as in beer software is sold through the software store then the money could go through the site Alternatively provide a way of a project displaying a web page instead of the package description.

This allows the project to collect revenue via adverts, subscription or donation. It puts the handling of revenue into the hands of the project. If the web page data isn't available then it could revert by default back to the package description. This could also be a preference option. Drag installed applications to gnome-panel or other launchers. Saved searches with an emblem if they contain new stuff since you last looked at them Add apt: URL syntaxes for category pages, and for search results.

Prioritize reviews from your contacts. How can we integrate cross-platform add-on repositories, e. Log searches so that we can tweak metadata to suit them. Definitions used in this specification alert A dialog that emits the standard alert sound if any when it opens, and requests attention if it opens in the background.

There are some existing bugs with categories not being sorted alphabetically. Right whenever the system is using a right-to-left language. All mockups in this specification are of left-to-right layouts. If app-install-data or an archive index refer to one and only one application in a package, the package itself should not be treated as a software item, because it is represented by the application instead. But if there are multiple applications in a package, or none at all, the package should be treated as a software item in itself.

Left whenever the system is using a right-to-left language. Roadmap Ubuntu 9. Ubuntu This version: presented non-application packages in an understandable way helpfully subcategorized applications such as games, and also categorized non-application packages such as programming utilities, fonts, database software, and screensavers offered distinct listings for PPAs and other third-party repositories.

This version: allowed software purchases from within USC incorporated apt: URL handling replacing apturl handled standalone. Eventual scope You should be able to: find software by: [ idea ] name purpose e. Games: Card Games [ idea ] name of competitor e.

If your expertise is in one of these areas, search through this specification for the color-coded sections relevant to you: Artists Copy-editors Interface designers Librarians Packagers Otherwise, if you are a Python programmer , get the latest code and try fixing existing bugs , or implementing something for a future version.

When you have something ready, propose it for merging. If you are a tester , look through this specification and compare the behavior described, sentence by sentence, to the behavior you see in the trunk version.

Where to report bugs Ubuntu Software Center relies on several lower-level components, presents data from various sources, and interacts with multiple server-side components that track their bugs separately. How to expose the package names in application lists, for those people who want to see them? Perhaps an off-by-default column in the listing. What if the dependencies of something you choose to install conflict with the dependencies of something already waiting in the queue?

How should we present items that Recommend but do not Depend on an item that you are about to remove? How should we present items that Recommend but do not Depend on an item that is about to be removed because of an item you are about to install? How to prioritize toolkits? For applications that have both GTK and Qt versions e. To manage expectations, perhaps an application that uses a strange toolkit e.

Tk, Gnustep should be indicated with some sort of warning that it will behave differently from most Ubuntu applications. Handling broken packages. This might include key combos for various sections e.

SoftwareCenter last edited by mpt. Partners Support Community Ubuntu. Ubuntu Software Center lets you browse and install thousands of free and paid applications and other software available for Ubuntu. Librarians If debtags had become available , we would have refined this classification scheme. I tried to buy something but it failed. Artists Copy-editors Interface designers Librarians Packagers. Within USC, examine the title, summary, and description of an item. Please look for bugs that people have reported about inappropriate application names or summaries, or package descriptions or categories, and fix them.

If a single package contains multiple applications, and people might reasonably want to install these applications separately, work to separate the packages into one per application. Main and Restricted for the current Ubuntu version. Universe and Multiverse for the current Ubuntu version. The Canonical partner repository for the current Ubuntu version.



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